Главная > Главные новости > Switzerland urges Kiev regime to build contacts with Donbass republics

Switzerland urges Kiev regime to build contacts with Donbass republics

1 января 1970. Разместил: mediapuls
09.06.2017 - 12:45
Switzerland urges Kiev regime to build contacts with Donbass republics

Switzerland urges Kiev regime to build contacts with Donbass republics.
At the same time when Switzerland just send
[img]http://tizer.adv.vz.ru/cgi-bin/banner/' vzz_login '?' vzz_random '&' vzz_options '[/img]
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[img]http://tizer.adv.vz.ru/cgi-bin/banner/' vzz_login '?' vzz_random '&' vzz_options '[/img]

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