Медиа Пульс » Россия » A great debunking: Turkish and Ukrainian media’s hoax on «evidences» of ISIS and Russia talks (PHOTO)

A great debunking: Turkish and Ukrainian media’s hoax on «evidences» of ISIS and Russia talks (PHOTO)

7 января 2016
07.01.2016 - 19:44
A great debunking: Turkish and Ukrainian media’s hoax on «evidences» of ISIS and Russia talks (PHOTO)

Recently the Turkish media made more and more loud and absurd statemenets on the Russian military’s activity in Syria.
These statements are immediately caught and spread by their Ukrainian colleagues disseminating unfounded accusations against military and political leaders of Russia.
Just like that journalists of the Ukrainian «Focus» edition with a reference to Turkish «Anadolu Agency» news agency is happily citing FSA Chief of General Staff Khalid Ahmed Birri' words about supposedely intercepted talks between ISIS* fighters and Russian military authorities commanding the attacks».
A great debunking: Turkish and Ukrainian media’s hoax on «evidences» of ISIS and Russia talks (PHOTO)

The screenshot headline says: «Russia is not determined to fight terrorism»
Herewith the authors of the article published by Ukrainian edition wanted to strengthen propaganda effect of the quote by making their own conclusions on what such talks speak of: «such talks indicate close collaboration between ISIS fighting units and Russian military units based in Syria».
A great debunking: Turkish and Ukrainian media’s hoax on «evidences» of ISIS and Russia talks (PHOTO)

Screenshot says: Syrian opposition intercepted talks between the Russian military and ISIS fighters.
Russia cooperated both Bashar Assad’s regime and ISIS.
The Free Syrian Army intercepted talks between the Russian military and ISIS fighters indicating close collaboration between ISIS fighting units and Russian military units based in Syria. This was announced by FSA Chief of General Staff.
Statements like that, which as always are not backed by any substancial evidences (e.g. at least hints to any existing audiorecords of such talks) are quite regularly made by the Russophobic editions of all sorts. However in this case work of the Ukrainian propagandists and their Turkish colleagues deserves proper attention.
The thing is the correpospondent Birri’s announcement was made amid errupting scandal in Turkey, directly connected with ISIS fighters telephone conversations monitoring. Those telephone conversations were hold with Turkish military officers and were recorded under permission of the Turkish Prosecution Service.
It is worth mentioning that in March 2015 Turkish Prosecution Service has transferred to the Military Prosecution Office inspecton reports concerning 19 Turkish citizens servicing on the border with Syria saying that those citizens might be involved in recruiting the Turkish into ISIS fighting units.
So one may say that anti-Rissian propaganda goes on working with the «tried and true» scenario (which is quite predictable and easily revealed): to distort facts, to conceal actual state of things and to blame Russia for all deadly sins.
For there are always gratefull and not used to analyzing listeners.
* terroristic organizaion banned in Russia
Tags: Bashar AssadFSA - "Free Syrian Army"ISISRussiaSyriaTurkeyUkraine
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