Медиа Пульс » Видео » James Clapper says Russians are “genetically driven” to deceive (VIDEO)

James Clapper says Russians are “genetically driven” to deceive (VIDEO)

1 января 1970
30.05.2017 - 12:26
James Clapper says Russians are “genetically driven” to deceive (VIDEO)

In an interview with Chuck Todd from Meet the Press, James Clapper opened up about his ability to spot a Russian spy in Jared Kushner, and his belief that Russians are “genetically driven” to cause mischief and deception.
All of this is coming from the man who lied to Congress when asked if his Intelligence apparatus illegally gathers information on millions of American’s.
Edward Snowden blew apart Clapper’s testimony and exposed that the Former Director of National Intelligence had perjured himself.
are only emboldened.”
“They are only going to continue to interfere in our political process. To me, that is the big story here and what American people should be concerned about.”
Tags: RussiaRussophobiaUSA
Количество просмотров: 10
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