Медиа Пульс » Главные новости » BREAKING: "Admiral Kuznetsov" naval aviation and "Kalibr" missiles ready for Damascus special operation

BREAKING: "Admiral Kuznetsov" naval aviation and "Kalibr" missiles ready for Damascus special operation

5 декабря 2016
05.12.2016 - 2:44
BREAKING: "Admiral Kuznetsov" naval aviation and "Kalibr" missiles ready for Damascus special operation

«Russian Spring» has received urgent message which says that "Admiral Kuznetsov" cruiser's naval aviation prepares for massive special operation in Eastern Guta near Damascus.
A military source has reported to “Russian Spring” that Su-35 deck-based fighters are going to be involved in destroying military infrastructure of Islamist armed gang “Jayish al-Islam” («Army of Islam») which had occupied Eastern Guta.
Su-35 missile and bombing raids, "Kalibr" cruise missile strikes from "Admiral Grigorovich” frigate, missile strikes from “Peter the Great” cruiser as well as Tu-160 strategic bombers’ strikes will be targeted at command centres of the Jihadsts group.
After massie aerial attacks and bombing raids Syrian armed forces with its allies will launch major offensive, they will clean up the area quarter after quarter looking for survived terrorists.
The military started planning Eastern Guta special clean-up operation after several “Jayish al-Islam” leaders had refused Syrian government’s offer to surrender weapons and accept amnesty terms or leave for Idlib following Jabhat an-Nusra and Ahrar ash-Sham. This happened in the towns of Daraya, Kudsiya, Ak-Hama, Muhadammia, Han-ash-Shih and At-Tal.
«Taking into account governemental forces’ success in Aleppo the next most probable step will be full liberation of Damascus province from the terrorists. After recent liberation of Han-ash-Shih, Zakiya and Al-Mukalbia which have been Jabhat an-Nusra’s terrorists stronghold in Damascus suburbs for a long time it’s time to deal with Eastern Guta based “Jayish al-Islam” radicals», — told the military source.
«Governmental forces’ combat operation stepping-up supported by the Russian Air Forcse and Navy could be a big boost for reconciliation in Eastern Guta», — summed up «Russian Spring’s» source.
The available information allows to assume that another Islamist group «Faylak ar-Rahman» could enter negotiations with Syran government any time soon trading in controlled territories of Eatsern Guta .
* terror group banned in Russian Federation
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Источник - Русская весна
Автор: mediapuls
Прочитали - 595