Медиа Пульс » Главные новости » A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)

A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)

1 января 1970
22.05.2017 - 18:45
A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)

The military operation conducted by the Syrian Arab Army forced the armed gangs to leave Wadi Barada Valley (West of Damascus), and peace was established there.
A peaceful life is returning to Zabadani and Madaya.
«Rusvesna» report follows.
Those sites in Syria are called a little paradise due to their beautiful nature and climate. According to a local legend Kain buried Abel there, in mountains. For six years the sites were a theatre of violence.
Jabhat al-Nusra* fighters and their allies established their own order, and dozens of civilians ran away. In spite of that, the Western propaganda made Zabadani and Madaya a «symbol of battle against Damascus regime». However, irreconcilable fighters left Wadi Barada for Idlib in March from and in April they left Zabadani and Madaya, the rest settled their status and again became ordinary citizens of the Syrian Arab Republic.
After the deportation of rebel fighters, the Lebanese allies of Damascus were withdrawn and the Syrian Arab Army regained control over 130km area within the Lebanese border and ended the drugs smuggling.
Now, despite significant destructions, around 20,000 locals have already returned there. Water and electrical power supply was restored. The United Nations, the Russian Centre for reconciliation of opposing sides in Syria and the Syrian government provide provision, medical, essential supplies.
The first in six years divine service in Zabadani Orthodox Church was held.
The photo depicts the Dormition of The Mother of God Cathedral in Zabadani after fighters shelling.
A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)

A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)

* A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)
A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)
A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)
A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)
A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)
A Little Paradise of Syria Liberated From Rebel Fighters: First in 6 Years Divine Service Held in Zabadani Orthodox Church (PHOTO)

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Источник - Русская весна
Автор: mediapuls
Прочитали - 416