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Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)

12 октября 2017
12.10.2017 - 18:52
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)

Russian soldiers continue to provide assistance to Syrians in difficult life situation.
Muadamia town has played a key role in restoring peaceful life in Syria. There group of armed opposition joined to reconciliation process for the first time.
Agreement on the reconciliation was signed by representatives of the Syrian Army and a fraction split from Adjnad al-Sham 18 months ago. Many other Syrian towns has followed suit.
On 11 October Russian soldiers delivered relief supply in Muadamia town again. More than 2 mln. tons of it were distributed among local residents. Humanitarian assistance included flour, rice, sugar and canned goods. Also 137 families with young children got a child nutrition in addition to basic baskets.
During the humanitarian action Russian army doctors deployed temporary health-point. More than 150 citizens including 62 children have received medical assistance.
Russian officer serving in Centre of Reconciliation in Syria noticed that his organization conducts the same events at least twice a week.
Last week the humanitarian assistance was delivered to Hirbat al-Shabab town (Damascus) and Han-Arnaba town (Quneitra). These towns are home for many refugees from Deir ez-Zor and other human settlements which previously were captured by ISIS*.
* A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)
Russian Soldiers Coming To Help: Humanitarian Convoy Visited Muadamia Town (PHOTO)

Tags: ISISRussiaSyria
Количество просмотров: 4
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