Медиа Пульс » Главные новости » Turkey has decided to reinvigorate the «Interim Government of Syria»

Turkey has decided to reinvigorate the «Interim Government of Syria»

1 января 1970
28.09.2019 - 19:20
Turkey has decided to reinvigorate the «Interim Government of Syria»

According to the United States-based Syrian opposition Internet portal Inab Baladi, Turkey has decided to reinvigorate the «Interim Government of Syria» (IGS), established on the 5th of September 2017 by Ankara in the occupied territories in the northern part of Aleppo province (Jarablus, Ar-Rai, El-Bab, Aazaz and Ma'area districts).
The formal authority of the IGS has not yet been established in Afrin district.
On September 23, the National Coalition of Revolutionary Forces and Opposition headquartered in Istanbul, published a photo of «division general» Salim Idris, appointed on August 31 by the «Minister of Defense» during his visit to the Turkish-occupied north of Syria, surrounded by imposing officers allegedly representing the National Army.
The latter is another project of the Turks, presented on December 30, 2017, but it is still a rather ephemeral entity, intended to attach fugitive Syrian officers who were afraid to get involved with thugs from jihadist groups. The «National Liberation Front» (» Jabhat Wataniya Li Tahrir) is far more realistic.
This is the essence of the coalition of various groups assembled by the Turks in northern Syria. It was this coalition who established the «Al-Fatah al-Mubin» operational command in Idlib in spring, together with the «Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham» terrorists, providing «Al-Qaeda»* supporters with equipment and heavy weapons transferred by the Turkish military and the United States.
It is worth noting that such «operational commands» were created by the Turks to conduct operations «Shield» and «Wrath of the Euphrates», as well as «Olive branch». Different groups, often warring with each other, are more convenient to unite for any joint action for specific purposes of their sponsors and patrons in this format.
The shadow of a regular army, which is the «National Army» informational project, does not attract real militants. They only make statements about joining this virtual structure to the benefit of their older brother from Ankara.
The other day, the command of the «Faylak Ar-Rahman» group, which moved from East Ghouta to the north of Aleppo and Idlib last year, did the same.
Interestingly, the chair of «defense minister» in the «Interim Government» had been vacant since March of this year, when Javad Abu Khattab left it. A former «colonel» of the «Free Syrian Army» from East Aleppo did not have a relationship with the real fighters, his car was blown up and understood the hint.
The future will show how it will be with the jihadists of Salim Idris, who used to be the head of the Free Syrian Army staff, which was as virtual as the current «National Army».
«Inab Balyadi» also listed several other ministers approved by the Interim Government: «The Prime Minister» is Abdurrahman Mustafa, the Interior Ministry is «Colonel» Muhyaddin al-Marmush, the Justice Ministry is Abdullah Abdurssalam Muhammad, «» is Abdulhakim al-Masri, the Education Minister is Ghada al-Absi, the Health Ministry is Maram al-Sheikh Mustafa, and the Self-Government and Public Services are Muhammad Saeed Suleiman.
The entire organized criminal group, however, has no more to do with the real administration of the occupied territories of Turkey than the National Army with the real fighting. It is all about a «feeding box» for politicians who have committed treason against their homeland, just like the NA is a feeding box for officers who have betrayed their people.
However, unlike the military, civil servants of the Turkish administration have the opportunity to simulate their official activities. They represent the bureaucratic formalization of the work of seconded Turkish officials and Islamist foundations, which control the civil administration sphere in Syrian lands occupied by the Turks.
This is a kind of additional burden on the local population's neck as the «Interim Government of Syria» can now feed itself not only with Turkish salaries, but also with taxes from residents of the occupied areas.
* Forbidden in the Russian terrorist organization.
Tags: Al-QaedaSyriaTurkey
Количество просмотров: 13
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