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Urgent statement by the Syrian Arab Army Command

1 января 1970
06.08.2019 - 17:33
Urgent statement by the Syrian Arab Army Command

The text of the urgent statement of the Supreme Command of the Army and Armed Forces of the SAR has just arrived at the editorial office of Rusvesna.su.
Statement by the Syrian Arab Army General Command on the resumption of hostilities against terrorist organizations that have renounced the ceasefire.
Illegal armed groups supported by the Turkish side refused to abide by the ceasefire agreement in the de-escalation zone in Idlib and carried out military actions during which civilians were injured. In response, the Syrian Arab Army will resume hostilities against those illegal armed groups.
In a statement received by SANA, the General Command stated that «despite the Syrian Arab Army's announcement that it had approved a ceasefire in the de-escalation zone in Idlib on 1 August this year, illegal armed groups supported by the Turkish side refused to abide by the ceasefire agreement in the de-escalation zone in Idlib and carried out hostilities that affected civilians in the surrounding areas.
«The Turkish authorities, while supporting the Idlib-based terrorist organizations, do not prevent them from carrying out their attacks. This confirms that Ankara continues to ignore its commitments under the Sochi Agreement for the Idlib de-escalation zone, which contributes to the strengthening of gangs and the spread of the threat of terrorism on Syrian territory,» the statement said.
The Syrian Arab Army approved a ceasefire agreement in the de-escalation zone in Idlib on 1 August this year, hoping that Ankara would fulfil its obligations under the Sochi Agreement. The constitutional obligation of the Syrian Arab Army to protect the Syrian people and ensure their security. The army and the ATS armed forces will therefore resume hostilities and respond to attacks by any terrorist organizations.
The ceasefire agreement announced on 1 August in the Idlib de-escalation zone called for the implementation of the Sochi Agreement, which provides for the withdrawal of heavy and medium weapons from the line of contact by terrorists to 20 kilometers from the line of contact in order to reduce the risk of an escalation of the conflict.
Tags: IdlibSyriaSyrian Arab ArmyTurkey
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