Медиа Пульс » Главные новости » Actions against the skripals AND Navalny: they are related not to «Novichok», but rather to «Freshman»

Actions against the skripals AND Navalny: they are related not to «Novichok», but rather to «Freshman»

7 февраля 2025
17.09.2020 - 13:02

Persistent references made by German leadership and other Western politicians in connection with the «poisoning of Alexei Navalny» by a certain combat chemical agent «Novichok» to the unsubstantiated conclusions of closed laboratories serving the armed forces and intelligence services of several NATO member states are not incidental.
The fact is that these organizations are now in their second year actively working on a new type of chemical warfare agent, the development of which began after the data on the research activity in this area came into the hands of Western experts. It is also important to note here that such substances are not produced in Russia at all. And Alexey Navalny himself could not survive if he was poisoned by some dangerous chemical warfare agent. He has not even had any signs of such «poisoning». He was discharged from Omsk hospital without any signs of such poisoning. This was demonstrated by about 60 different tests and biological check-ups conducted at this medical facility.
Fraudulent British military and «MI-6» claims of case of poisoning of the Skripals’ father and daughter in the United Kingdom allowed to bring out of the shadow the theme of chemical compounds of the most dangerous class of allegedly «Novichok» chemical agent which does not exist in reality.
Such term was intentionally thrown in mass media by opponents of Russia with reference to the Soviet chemical «expert» Vil Mirzayanov who emigrated to the USA in political and informational field of Western countries. This term was specially spread in the West — initially in London — deliberately in Russian language in order to make Moscow «responsible» for creation and use of some chemical agents under such a specific name even linguistically, i.e. in connection with the Russian word «novichok», and also to teach the rest of the world to believe in such groundless accusation.
Most likely, the named military and special services have their own variant of the verbal name of a certain military grade poison in English, in addition to its obviously complex chemical formula or classified alphanumeric designation — for example, in the form of slang word «freshman», which just means in Russian «new pupil in the classroom or newcomer at school», as well as «a first-year student».
Thus, the achievements of NATO laboratories in this field were legalized — in this case under the pretext of the need to protect against another type of «Russian aggression», this time versus «chemical aggression».
At the same time, research has begun in NATO countries aimed at ensuring the leading positions of the Western military alliance in the field of military chemistry. And the USA and EU sold the creation of the so-called «attributive mechanism of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons», the main purpose of which is to impose various types of trade, economic and financial sanctions against those countries where it is possible to conduct any kind of research not controlled by the West.
The Russian side believes that there are too many inconsistencies in the case of alleged «poisoning» of Alexei Navalny.
Recently the Permanent Mission of Russia to the European Union pointed out to representatives of this structure the key flaws in the version about his «poisoning». And the first issue is related to the permission of the respective authorities to transport Alexey Navalny to Germany, where, if he was actually poisoned, could identify dangerous substances in his body. The Russian Permanent Mission also specified that the Russian authorities should not have resorted to poisoning this man, because according to the polls his rating does not exceed two percent.
It was pointed out that Alexey Navalny's companions hurriedly flew to Germany without giving evidence to Russian law-enforcement agencies. Attention was drawn to the way the bottle of water from which he was drinking and in which the poisonous substance was supposedly contained appeared in Germany. Why in Germany?
Questions were asked: why did the German «Charite» clinic undertook enhanced security measures before detecting Navalny's «poisoning»; why the FRG still has not provided Russia with the results of the analyses of his «poisoning»; why the West was unwilling to acknowledge the fact that NATO countries are still developing poisonous warfare agents; why the German medics have avoided professional contact with Russian colleagues in that case; and how it can be understood that no military or civilian German toxicologist or doctor at the «Charite» clinic has ever been able to identify the problem. The Russian side also noted that all references to the impossibility to disclose the patient's medical history do not coincide with those political statements made during the stay of Alexey Navalny in an artificial coma in Germany.
Russia has no reason to launch an investigation into what happened to opposition activist Alexei Navalny until it has received data from Germany. Vasily Nebenzia, Russia’s permanent representative to this organization, stated this at a UN Security Council meeting. «Even a freshman of law school knows that any investigation must be preceded by evidence and facts based on the evidence available to us, otherwise our law enforcement agencies have no reason to launch an investigation,» he said, adding that Russian doctors, who, by the way, initially saved Alexei Navalny, did not find any chemical substances during his medical tests.
The story with him is designed to formalize the next stage in the legal field: at the end of last year, experts from the secret laboratory of the German Bundeswehr in Berlin, the British secret chemical and biological laboratory in Porton Down known as Ministry of Defence’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, the Americans at Harvard University and the Czechs at the Faculty of Military Medicine of the Academy of the Czech Ministry of Defense in Hradec Kralove came to the same conclusions almost synchronously and independently of each other in terms of their combat properties, «Freshman» class agents are as lethal as the long-known «classic» sarin, soman or VX agents. And it is designed for battlefield and reputedly kills instantly.
But any lethal outcome due to the use of such «Freshman» agents can be delayed. Toxic effects on the respiratory, circulatory and peripheral nervous systems look like symptoms of asphyxiation or heart failure. In conditions of lack of time, or when it is impossible to conduct laboratory analysis of samples taken from victims of «Freshman» chemical agents, conventional methods of diagnosis do not guarantee the detection of the fact that the cause of death or severe poisoning was the result of employment of a warfare agent. Thus, a potential victim of nerve agent’s aggression may not receive adequate and timely medical care.
Findings made by experts from NATO countries on the symptoms found in Alexei Navalny indicate that they are conducting dangerous research in this class of highly toxic compounds. This means that these labs are producing these formulations and studying their combat properties, unfortunately for individuals whose names are, to some extent, known to the general public. They make such people as «victims for slaughter».
In fact, the world faced a purposeful disinformation campaign of the West, first of all the USA and the United Kingdom, covering up the legalization of their developments of deadly new generation of chemical warfare agents as well as sacrificing their «hard-working friends» to achieve destructive and provocative goals with deeper consequences in the international arena.
In fact, this is not just targeted poisoning of people, but also poisoning of the entire political and other atmosphere in the world at large with dangerous outcome.
By Vladimir Kozin
Tags: NATORussia
Количество просмотров: 27
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Источник - Русская весна
Автор: mediapuls
Прочитали - 296