Медиа Пульс » Видео » Syrian children sing «May there always be sunshine» in Russian (VIDEO)

Syrian children sing «May there always be sunshine» in Russian (VIDEO)

27 января 2017
27.01.2017 - 22:52
Syrian children sing «May there always be sunshine» in Russian (VIDEO)

Children at one of Aleppo schools learnt popular Russian song «May there always be sunshine» and sang it in Russian.
Children in one of Aleppo's schools are beginning to get back to regular classes, which include an educational programme about Russia. Footage from the school shows pupils drawing the Russian and Syrian flags together as a symbol of friendship between the two countries.
Aleppo is Syria’s second largest city and the biggest industrial and economic centre — since 2012 it was partially under terrorists’ control.
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Источник - Русская весна
Автор: mediapuls
Прочитали - 430