Медиа Пульс » Видео » Living under militants' fire: Russian natives — Syrian Circassians (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Living under militants' fire: Russian natives — Syrian Circassians (PHOTO, VIDEO)

1 января 1970
23.05.2017 - 18:36
Living under militants' fire: Russian natives — Syrian Circassians (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Damascus in Dahiyat Al-Asad district was being constantly shelled by «Faylak ar-Rahman» and «Jayish al-Islam» terror groups from East Ghouta regions.
Circassian charity community «Adyge Hase of Syria» building has suffered from those attacks a lot.
60 y.o. head of the local Circassian charity community «Adyge Hase of Syria» Imad Bulad has shown «opposition» militants’ shelling aftermath to «Russian Spring» reporter.
«I run regional organization of «Circassian charity community „Adyge Hase of Syria” which is designated for aiding social and humanitarian help to resettlers’ descendants — natives of Cauсasus, maintaining Circassian culture in Syria. Our organization helps the refugees from the areas occupied by the militants, we render financial aid and distribute medicines», — told Imad Bulad.
«Our building has been shelled by „Faylak ar-Rahman” and „Jayish al-Islam” terrorists. We suffered huge material loss but thank God nobody was injured», — he told our reporter.
«Adyge Hase of Syria» showed us the remains of mortar shells which exploded in the yard of charity community building.
* terror organization banned in Russian Federation
Living under militants' fire: Russian natives — Syrian Circassians (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Living under militants' fire: Russian natives — Syrian Circassians (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Living under militants' fire: Russian natives — Syrian Circassians (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Living under militants' fire: Russian natives — Syrian Circassians (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Living under militants' fire: Russian natives — Syrian Circassians (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Living under militants' fire: Russian natives — Syrian Circassians (PHOTO, VIDEO)

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Источник - Русская весна
Автор: mediapuls
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