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Hey, we're working: «Army of Islam» showed militants' bodies for sponsor record (GRAPHIC)

13 мая 2017
13.05.2017 - 2:35
Hey, we're working: «Army of Islam» showed militants' bodies for sponsor record (GRAPHIC)

On Tuesday, May 9th media-wing of «Jayish al-Islam» terrorist group published photographs depicting bodies of the five bizzare dressed killed men. Militants insist these are Syrian Army soldiers who died in Damascus suburbs.
RusVesna’s Damascus-based correspondent talked to SAA officers fighting for Eastern Ghouta and learnt some interesting details.
«There was a message saying that the militants attacked Syrian army’s check popint in Bayt-Nayem on May 9th , killed 5 soldiers, stole the guns and ammunition But there are no SAA check points in Bayt-Nayem. There was a sniper fire attack in that region on May 9th , one serviceman was killed», — an officer told.
«Some time later we learnt that the militants swapped clothes on their killed fellows and dead rivals (from «Faylak ar-Rahman» — victims of the infighting between «Faylak ar-Rahman» and «Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham» («Jabhat an-Nusra»*) on the one side and — «Army of Islam» — on the other). They swapped usual clothes onto some strange camo and passed them off as killed soldiers. Corpses’ faces are deliberately hidden», — the source specified.
«Main goals are to show their combativity and combat activity to their foreign sponsors (regarding warfare intensity decrease due to safe zones memo), intimidation of the loyalists and boosting combativity among the terrorists», — reasoned the source.
Last month «Jayis al-Islam» attacked positions of «Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham» and «Faylak ar-Rahman», the attack resulted in numerous losses from the both sides. «Ahrar ash-Sham» decided not to interfere in those battles and appealed to their allies to attack SAA.
* terrorist group banned in Russian Federation.
Hey, we're working: «Army of Islam» showed militants' bodies for sponsor record (GRAPHIC)
Hey, we're working: «Army of Islam» showed militants' bodies for sponsor record (GRAPHIC)
Hey, we're working: «Army of Islam» showed militants' bodies for sponsor record (GRAPHIC)
Hey, we're working: «Army of Islam» showed militants' bodies for sponsor record (GRAPHIC)

[img]http://tizer.adv.vz.ru/cgi-bin/banner/' vzz_login '?' vzz_random '&' vzz_options '[/img]
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[img]http://tizer.adv.vz.ru/cgi-bin/banner/' vzz_login '?' vzz_random '&' vzz_options '[/img]

Источник - Русская весна
Автор: mediapuls
Прочитали - 585