Медиа Пульс » Видео » Syria: Sheikh encourages Syrians to flee US-occupied zone after Russian Army arrival (VIDEO)

Syria: Sheikh encourages Syrians to flee US-occupied zone after Russian Army arrival (VIDEO)

1 января 1970
22.02.2019 - 11:45
Syria: Sheikh encourages Syrians to flee US-occupied zone after Russian Army arrival (VIDEO)

After Russian Army arrived and opened safe exit corridors, Sheikh Abdel Aziz Diab of Baggara tribe called to the Syrians, encouraging them to leave US-occupied zone with no fear as the lives of ordinary people had long been turned into hell there.
Read more about that in «Russian Spring» fresh report from the Syrian Arab Republic.
«I am Sheikh Abdel Aziz Diab of Baggara tribe. Brothers and sisters from the Rukban refugee camp!
Our Syrian state along with Russia has opened 2 safe humanitarian corridors to bring you back to your homes and families.
Don’t be afraid coming back through them. Everyone here is waiting for you to come back home, back to our Homeland».

Tags: RussiaSyria
Количество просмотров: 21
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