Медиа Пульс » Видео » Russian AF prevented attack on Hmeymim airbase by striking the islamists (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Russian AF prevented attack on Hmeymim airbase by striking the islamists (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

1 января 1970
15.03.2019 - 21:03
Russian AF prevented attack on Hmeymim airbase by striking the islamists (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Russian warplanes have performed a targeted airstike on weapons and ammunition depot belongig to Islamists’ gangs in Idlib province. That was reported by Russian Ministry of Defense.
Aviation has destroyed a depot belonging to «Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham» (former «Jabhat An-Nusra»* — Syrian «Al-Qaeda»*) in Idlib where makeshift drones had been stored for raiding Russian Hmeymim airbase in Latakia.
The ministry noted that, according to the information available which has been confirmed through several channels, the terrorists had delivered a large batch of makeshift drones to this warehouse the day before, which are usually equipped with makeshift bombs with damaging elements.
«Terrorists were going to use them for air raids on Russian Hmeymim airbase in Latakia», — was underlined in Russian MoD.
The military have also stated that the operation had been performed in concurrence with Turkish side which is in charge of Idlib deescalaion zone (according to the agreements reached durig trilateal Astana talks between Russia, Iran and Turkey).
* terror organization banned in Russian Federation
Photos and videos below were published by militants’ supporters. They claim to depict Russian Air Forces’ strikes on Idlib.
Russian AF prevented attack on Hmeymim airbase by striking the islamists (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Tags: IdlibIslamistsJabhat an-Nusra / Jabhat al-NusraLatakiaMiddle EastRussian Air ForceRussian Defence MinistrySyriaTurkeyWar In Syria
Количество просмотров: 18
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