Медиа Пульс » Видео » BREAKING: Powerful blast in Idlib destroyed Caucasus militants command point, 100 dead and wounded (+VIDEO, PHOTO)

BREAKING: Powerful blast in Idlib destroyed Caucasus militants command point, 100 dead and wounded (+VIDEO, PHOTO)

8 января 2018
08.01.2018 - 4:50
BREAKING: Powerful blast in Idlib destroyed Caucasus militants command point, 100 dead and wounded (+VIDEO, PHOTO)

Idlib, the capital of the Syrian islamists has just heard powerful blast. Local activists report twenty killed and more than 30 injured after the terror act.
It is reported that a vehicle rigged with explosives has been blown up near staff of Caucasus group.
«Adzhnad Caucasus» miitants are said to be killed and injured. The group consists mostly of militants originating from Northern Caucasus, they are on he wanted list in Russian Federation for being members of illegal armed gangs.
Let us remind that Idlib province is controlled by Syrian «Al-Qaeda»* («Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham»).
Force of explosion was so big that 6-storeyed building partially collapsed. It is reported that local residents were killed and wounded besides the militants. Bodies are being taken from under the debris of explosion.
According to preliminary data total number of victims exceeded 100 people.
* terror organizations banned in Russian Federation.

BREAKING: Powerful blast in Idlib destroyed Caucasus militants command point, 100 dead and wounded (+VIDEO, PHOTO)
BREAKING: Powerful blast in Idlib destroyed Caucasus militants command point, 100 dead and wounded (+VIDEO, PHOTO)
BREAKING: Powerful blast in Idlib destroyed Caucasus militants command point, 100 dead and wounded (+VIDEO, PHOTO)

Tags: Al-QaedaIdlibIslamistsMiddle EastSyriaterrorismWar In Syria
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