Медиа Пульс » Видео » ISIS failure in Aleppo: «Tigers» and Russian Air Force make islamists run for life (VIDEO, MAP)

ISIS failure in Aleppo: «Tigers» and Russian Air Force make islamists run for life (VIDEO, MAP)

7 марта 2017
07.03.2017 - 13:48
ISIS failure in Aleppo: «Tigers» and Russian Air Force make islamists run for life (VIDEO, MAP)

ISIS defense is collapsing in the East of Aleppo. Syrian army liberates more and more locations.
Terrorist orhanization suffers one defeat after another in the North of Syria.
Supported by powerful airstrikes of thу Russian AF «Tigers» attacked ISIS defense line in Tannuza on Monday and made the thugs leave number of defensive posts arond the village.
Soon after entering Tannuza governmental forces have liberated the whole village: in the afternoon they have killed and wounded the terrorists fighting there.
Then «Tigers» assualt division supported by Russian Air Forces performed another airstrikes having broken ISIS front line and liberated Al-Raufiya and Abu Kabira Jada.
So Syrian army have liberated more than 100 villages and cities in Eastern Aleppo since January 13th.
Recent succuess of Tiger Force led them into position for a strike in the last two ISIS strongholds in the province — cities of Hafsa and Deir Hafer.
* terrorist organization banned in Russian Federation.

ISIS failure in Aleppo: «Tigers» and Russian Air Force make islamists run for life (VIDEO, MAP)
ISIS failure in Aleppo: «Tigers» and Russian Air Force make islamists run for life (VIDEO, MAP)

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Автор: mediapuls
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