Медиа Пульс » Видео » SAA and Russian Air Force kick ISIS out of key gasfileds near Palmira, jihadists run (VIDEO, PHOTO)

SAA and Russian Air Force kick ISIS out of key gasfileds near Palmira, jihadists run (VIDEO, PHOTO)

1 января 1970
30.03.2017 - 1:34
SAA and Russian Air Force kick ISIS out of key gasfileds near Palmira, jihadists run (VIDEO, PHOTO)

Syrian government is one step closer to solving long-time energy crisis. Syria Arab Army units managed to kick ISIS militants out of the two more key gasfields in Eastern Homs, reach in hydrocarbons.
Units of the 5th army corps of the SAA being trained by the Russian military gained control over a few mountain peaks to the North-West of Palmira — Dalil and Antr mountains They were supported by assault helicopters and Russian war planes. Soon after that ISIS* terrorists had to leave Jeera gas field which got into fire effect zone of the SAA dislocated in the heights.
After leaving Jeera the jihadists started their retreat from the nearby Al-Shaer gas filed despite that territory was captured and held by them for more than a year. .
It wasn’t clearly identified whether their retreat had been caused by governmental forces’ presssure or terrorists had yielded those territories because they badly needeв reinforcement in Raqqa province.
Updated: video and photos of SAA 5th army corps.
* terrorist organization banned in Russian Federation
SAA and Russian Air Force kick ISIS out of key gasfileds near Palmira, jihadists run (VIDEO, PHOTO)
SAA and Russian Air Force kick ISIS out of key gasfileds near Palmira, jihadists run (VIDEO, PHOTO)
SAA and Russian Air Force kick ISIS out of key gasfileds near Palmira, jihadists run (VIDEO, PHOTO)
SAA and Russian Air Force kick ISIS out of key gasfileds near Palmira, jihadists run (VIDEO, PHOTO)
SAA and Russian Air Force kick ISIS out of key gasfileds near Palmira, jihadists run (VIDEO, PHOTO)

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