Медиа Пульс » Видео » IMPORTANT: Russian Air Forces destroyed a huge ISIS military convoy in Syria —impressive footage (VIDEO+MAP)

IMPORTANT: Russian Air Forces destroyed a huge ISIS military convoy in Syria —impressive footage (VIDEO+MAP)

27 мая 2017
27.05.2017 - 13:38
IMPORTANT: Russian Air Forces destroyed a huge ISIS military convoy in Syria —impressive footage (VIDEO+MAP)

On Thursday, the Russian Air Forces destroyed a huge ISIS* military convoy moving to attack between East Qalamun and East Homs
That was reported to “Russian Spring” by a war correspondent in Syria. After the first powerful blast the survived terrorists started scattering in every direction like rats but the strikes chased them.
Missile and bomb stikes have killed many militants as evidenced by motionless cars with passengers not even trying to run away. ISIS pickups crews were killed by damage agents of aviation bombs.
Around 40 military pickups and trucks with terrorists may be seen on the video. Total number of militants in such convoy can easily reach 200-300 people.
The convoy was reportedly moving in the direction of the Zaza triangle area in the south-east of Homs province with an aim to attack governmental forces operating there supported by Russian Air Force.
A drone was following the convoy and coaching planes to the targets. The opeartion took place yesterday in the night-time .
«Zaza triangle» — is road junction vetween Danascus and Homs loacted on Bghdad-Damascus highway in Eastern Badiya region not far from Jordanian and Iraqi borders.
Here is the map and precise coordinates of convoy liquidation (http://wikimapia.org/#lang=ru&lat=34.140793&lon=37.659330&z=16&m=b).
SAA media wing piblished published assumed analysis scheme of convoy liquidation from air.
IMPORTANT: Russian Air Forces destroyed a huge ISIS military convoy in Syria —impressive footage (VIDEO+MAP)
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Автор: mediapuls
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