Медиа Пульс » Видео » Militants' charred bodies: «Turan» special forces survey destroyed ISIS gang in Hama (VIDEO 18+)

Militants' charred bodies: «Turan» special forces survey destroyed ISIS gang in Hama (VIDEO 18+)

1 января 1970
24.05.2017 - 13:34
Militants' charred bodies: «Turan» special forces survey destroyed ISIS gang in Hama (VIDEO 18+)

As reported by «Russian Spring» TURAN battalion nicknamed «Spetznaz from USSR» keeps destroying terrorists near Palmyra in the East of Homs and Hama.
It was reported in the mid-May that ISIS terrorists group was destroyed while they were trying to infiltrate into government-controlled territory in the night.
Now it has leaked out that it was «Turan’s» operation. ISIS* fighters group was detected during night combat duty. Spetznaz started to shoot off the islamists and then fired off antitank assault weapon “Kornet” which blew up terrorists’ pickup.
«Russian Spring» disposes of new unique footage: «Turan» foghters survey terrorists’ positions after the night ambush.
At the sawn surveillance team visited the spot and recorded the results of their work.
The video shows burnt «jihadi vehicle» and islamists’ charred bodies.
As previously reported, «Muslim battalion» TURAN has been established relatively recently to fight guerillas. They are also famous for lightning-fast attacks. The unit consists mostly of former USSR born: natives of Central Asia, Caucasus and South Caucasus.
Battalion’s first operations were performed in Syrian Hama province where «Turan» succeeded in hunting down «Jabhat an-Nusra»* attacking towns and villages under Syrian government control.
After Syrian “de-esclation zones” memorandum came in force maost of «Spetznaz from USSR» fighters were redisclocated from Hama’s North to the East of Homs province to fight ISIS.
* terror organization banned in Russian Federation
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Источник - Русская весна
Автор: mediapuls
Прочитали - 347