Медиа Пульс » Видео » "Aaaaah!" - Militants are screaming in terror while being bombed by unknown aircraft in Syria (VIDEO)

"Aaaaah!" - Militants are screaming in terror while being bombed by unknown aircraft in Syria (VIDEO)

26 ноября 2019
26.11.2019 - 15:54
"Aaaaah!" - Militants are screaming in terror while being bombed by unknown aircraft in Syria (VIDEO)

As previously reported by "Russian Spring" late in the evening of Monday, November 25, unknown military aircraft performed a series of air strikes on the territory bordering with Turkey, controlled by pro-Turkish groups in Syrian province of Aleppo.
The militants showed terrible explosions in the vicinity of Tarkhin settlement near Al-Bab town, located near the Turkish border in northern Syria.
According to recent reports at least 8 air strikes were carried out near Al-Bab alone.
The bombs destroyed tanks with stolen Syrian oil. There was an explosion in ammunition depot.
Local propagandists are uncertain: they were bombed by Russian aviation according to one version, and by the other version - by the US coalition planes.
Read also: The West, "Al-Qaeda" and "White helmets" are up to a new strike on Russia in Idlib, — Ministry of Defence

Tags: AleppoIslamistsMiddle EastRussian Air ForceSyriaTurkeyWar In Syria
Количество просмотров: 3
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Автор: mediapuls
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