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BREAKING: Russian Defense Ministry releases pics from the place of ISIS leader alleged liquidation (PHOTO)

1 января 1970
16.06.2017 - 16:13
BREAKING: Russian Defense Ministry releases pics from the place of ISIS leader alleged liquidation (PHOTO)

Russian Federation Ministry of Defence has spread the pictures, which demonstrates result of russian air strike on ISIS* HQ's at Raqqa.
It's possiple that due to this air strike Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the notorius ISIS leader, was eliminated. Revealed pictures demonstrates the aftermath of heavy air strike. It is the place of supposed ISIS leader's meeting.
Earlier at May 28th, Russian MoD reported about massive air strike landed by Russian Su-34 and Su-35 aircrafts on ISIS HQ's near Raqqa city, where al-Baghdadi conducted meeting for discussion about escape from the city through «southern corridor».
According to Russian MoD information, which currently verifying, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was eliminated, such as a numerous ISIS military commanders, who participated in this meeting.
* A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

BREAKING: Russian Defense Ministry releases pics from the place of ISIS leader alleged liquidation (PHOTO)

Tags: DAESHISISRussiaRussian Air ForceRussian Defence MinistrySyria
Количество просмотров: 52
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